torsdag den 10. september 2009

SEO Is A Powerfull Tool

SEO is really a powerfull tool. Why? Because it puts you in front of your potential clients at the best best possible time. Instead of showing your message, at a time when a consumer might not be interested in your product, you are showing your message at a time, when they actually SEARCHED for your product. That is much more powerfull than outdoor billboards, print ads etc. Only thing is, you can't FORCE people to search for your product, so you might have to do other advertising as well ;-)

But my point is - at least as minimum do professional SEO, as this is by all means (and all my personall experience) by far the best media investment you can possible make!

Once you decided to do SEO for yourself and your company, then you need to find out which keywords that you want to appear on on Google etc. For us for instance it's important to appear on a search like "seo dubai" (people usually only search using small letters) as they are looking for an SEO company and they would like to find one with the same location as their company - which is Dubai, UAE.