mandag den 6. juli 2009

Dubai And SEO

So we run an SEO company in Dubai. What is the difference of doing SEO in Dubai and Denmark, where we also run a lot of SEO and SEM campaigns?

Well, the principles are really the same. You have to do the same things in Dubai as Denmark and the rest of the world to get great SEO results. And for that matter also UAE, which Dubai is a part of. Okay so how do you get great SEO results - well this is the two areas that you really have to focus on:
  1. Optimize the webpage fully for the search engines
  2. Do link building on an ongoing basis
I won't get technical just now, but remember to focus on both the above areas, if you want to have success with your SEO, be it Dubai or anywhere else.

This Blog Will Focus On SEO

Hi all!

I will use this blog to write about SEO. Please feel free to comment and join into the conversation. I run an SEO company with a partner in Dubai and its my experience from here that I will be sharing.

Sometimes it might also become about SEM, as it is only natural to comment on Search Engine Marketing, when you talk about Search Engine Optimization. If they are not like yin and yan, then it's close ;)

SEO and SEM certainly both have very strong advantages going for them. SEO's main selling point is the fact, that it helps you get higher in the actual search results of e.g. Google - and these deliver 80% of the traffic from Google, compared to SEM's 20% (an average number across industries). SEM however gives you a great deal of control of your campaign and messages and you can be on the top of Google tomorrow, if you set it up right.